We would not be able to create this game without a little outside help.
All background music, RhymeWin, ReasonWin:
cutsplat sound, Cloud, ballfly sound
Change (when houses change at the end):しゅぽっ
bubble/cleaning sound:
Thunder (Thunder1 and Thunder2):
WaterSplash_Out_Short1 (Fish popping up sound): Rocklynn Productions - Water Splash Pack
Time and End:
Story voiceover: Becca Smith (conn student)
Fireworks: Universal Sound FX
Slingshot, sponge, initial background images, fishbomb(and unused tower image):
Ball: image from class
Field: block image from class
Fort, cloud, and moon images: Kisspng
Mountains and trees (Spruce_1): Asset from 2D PlatformAssetsPack
House images: Made by Sachi
MicroDream logo: made by Sindy in Photoshop
Bubbles and (Bubble):
River: water images from BayatGame (asset store), edited by Sindy in Photoshop
Splash screen image: cloud from Kisspng, background and rainbow from aigei, logo made by Sindy in Photoshop
Speech bubble: Kisspng
Splatter: Kisspng
Cleanuphouse: Sachi made them
Test assets: TextMesh Pro (From Unity Asset Store)
Fonts: Google Font (Lobster, Baloo Bhaina, Titan One)
Village names were inspired by two characters in The Phantom Tollbooth
Fireworks particle system prefab: _Creepy_Cat (from asset store)
Reasons for Sounds:
Background music is happy and lively. RyhmerWin sounds more upbeat while ReasonWin sounds more stately.
Sound effects are used to reflect certain action.
Countdown Sounds: this is used to give each players a subtle note that they need to be ready to play.
Paintball Splatter: this is used in order to let each player aware that a house has been hit
Change Sound: this sound is used to help each player know how many houses are being changed, especially the losing side, to hear and watch as their town disappears.
Thunder: this adds to the effect of the cloud power-up and makes everyone aware that a clean-up house is inactive.
Water-splash: this sound keeps the players on alert about a magical fish appearing.
End Ding: this sound alerts players that time is over and the winner will be announced.